Best Content Marketing Quotes

Browse through these content marketing quotes to educate, inspire or entertain you.
Ann Handley Quote Bigger Braver Bolder Content Marketing

"Think bigger, braver, and bolder. The biggest missed opportunity in content marketing is playing it too safe."

Lymari Morales Quote Stop Publishing Content

"Stop publishing things just because you always have."

Dietrich Mateschitz quote publishers brands

"Brands need to take the phrase, ‘acting like a publisher’ literally.”

William Butler Yeats Quote Communication

"Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people."

Jonathan Lister Quote Speaking Audience

"Speak to your audience in their language about what's in their heart."

Ann Handley Quote Content Good Storytelling

"Good content isn't about good storytelling. It's about telling a true story well.”

Michael Brenner Quote Content Marketing Buzzword

"Content marketing is more than a buzzword. It is the hottest trend in marketing because it is the biggest gap between what buyers want and brands produce."

Jason Vana Quote Content for Branding Positioning

“Content is a branding and positioning tactic. Use it that way.”

Elizabeth Clor Quote Tying Content to Revenue

"Revenue is king. Tying your content to revenue and lead gen is critical to success."

Mark Schaefer Quote Power and Content

"Power doesn't come from content, power comes from the content that moves."

FAQs Related to Content Marketing Quotes


What is content marketing?

Content marketing is a marketing approach in which you create content on a certain platform like your website to either educate, inspire or entertain your target audience with the intention to build an audience on that platform and ultimately convert or retain them as customers.

What are the different types of content marketing?

Content marketing can be classified in different ways. Based on the format of the content being used - blog content marketing, video content marketing, infographic content marketing, and so on. Based on the type of business - b2b content marketing, b2c content marketing, and so on. There are many more types based on how you categorize them. What is more important is that you fully understand one particular type and execute it well.